There is an old legend about the giants who lived in the Altay mountains. And there were two brothers who were very friendly and helped each other all the time. The younger brother had a dombra. He loved the music very much. He played the dombra all the time and everywhere. The elder brother was proud of his talented brother. Everybody knew about the younger brother.

Then the elder brother wanted to be famous too. He decided to build the bridge over the fast and cold river. He began to gather stones for his bridge. The elder brother asked his brother for help. But the youngest brother didn’t listen to him and continued playing the dombra. Then he became very angry with him. He took his brother’s dombra and broke it against the rock. The beautiful instrument was broken, and the music stopped. But there was a stamp on the stone left after the dombra hit the rock. Many years passed. People found this stamp and made a new dombra. And the music that hadn’t played for such a long time was heard once more.

True or False (Определи Правда или Ложь)
1.Two brothers-giants were very beautiful. _____
2) The eldest brother wanted to build the school. _______
3) Then he became very angry with him. ___________

Аноним: ты дурак?
Аноним: нет


Ответ дал: Аноним

1.Two brothers-giants were very beautiful.

False. They were very friendly.

2) The oldest brother wanted to build the school.

False, he wanted to build  a bridge.

3) Then he became very angry with him.



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