Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в нужном времени.

Вариант I.

Our classes usually ________ (begin) at 8.30 in the morning.

I ________ (spend) my last weekend well.

I think we________ (travel) to the seaside next summer.

The pupils ________ (have) a break now.

We never________ (swim) in the ocean.

We ________ (swim) in the lake last summer.

My friend ________ (swim) in the Black Sea next month.

We often ________ (go) swimming.

He usually________ (read) books at home.

The first lesson ________ (begin) just.

Look at the boys! They________ (swim) on such a cold day.

Yesterday he________ (buy) a book at school.

Listen! Nick________ (read) a book.

I think tomorrow he ________ (play) tennis

15. Mum____________ (cook) fish now.

16 She______________ (skate) in the park tomorrow.

andreyrylittashky: Помогите пж


Ответ дал: svetafinchenko

Ответ:1-begin 2- spent 3- Will travel 4 are having 5-swim 6-swam 7 is going to swim 8 go 9 reads 10 has begun 11 are swimming 12 brought 13 is reading 14 will play 15 is cooking 16 is going to skate


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