Помогите пожалуйста дам 25 баллов ​



Ответ дал: Adituiy


1)Liz isn't get up at the...

1.My mother is having dinner.

2.I am watching TV right now.

3.Ben and Dan are reading the book.

4.My father is playing chess at the ...

5.We are watching TV now .

6.My friend is washing up right...

7.She isn't going to the stadium.

8.They aren't dressing now.


1.It is raining now.

It isn't raining now.

Is it raining now?

2. I am learning a funny poem now

I am not learning a funny poem now

Am I learning a funny poem now?

3. They are speaking German now

They aren't speaking German now

Are they speaking German now?

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