Complete the sentences using am, is, are. Вставьте предложения, используя am, is, are

1. He _____ going to draw a picture.
2. I ____ going to learn English.
3.We _____ going to play football.
4. ____ you going to visit this museum?
5. They _____ going to buy the house.
6. She _____ going to write the email.

2. Make up the sentences. Составьте предложения из слов. Запишите.

1. is, he, going, swim, to. ______________________________________________________________
2. going, they, are, to, at the hotel, stay. _________________________________________________
3. we, to, are, going, to, our Granny, visit. _________________________________________________
4. am, going, to, I, buy, a bike. __________________________________________________________

Срочно пжжЖ!Ж


Ответ дал: 20210900


3. are


5. are


Ответ дал: vmurashka
1.1)He is going to draw a picture.
1.2)I am going to learn English.
1.3)We are going to play football.
1.4)Are you going to visit this museum?
1.5)They are going to buy the house.
1.6)She is going to write the email.

2.1)He is going to swim.
2.2)They are going to stay at the hotel.
2.3)We are going to visit our granny.
2.4)I am going to buy a bike.
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