XXIV. Answer the questions on the text.
1. Whom is the letter addressed to? 2. Why doesn't Judy begin her letter with
the bad news? 3. What news does she tell Daddy-Long-Legs first? 4. When
will her poem appear? 5. What is it entitled? 6. What does she promise to
send him? 7. What other pleasant news does she mention in her letter? 8.
How does she describe the winter afternoon? 9. How does she present the bad
news? 10. How does she try to comfort Daddy-Long-Legs? 11. In what way is
she more intelligent now? 12. How does she end her letter?​

ksyushamagina271184: А где сам текст?
hayarpystepanyan1: ok
hayarpystepanyan1: 1 minute
hayarpystepanyan1: text come


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