Помогите пожалуйста!
7 Correct the errors.
1 In my city there is two football stadiums.
In my city there are two football stadiums.
2 There are departments stores here?
3 There aren't a museum in this town.
4 The theatre is opposite to the museum.
5 He's buying a ice cream.
6 There is some water?
7. There aren't some sheep in my village.
8 There is any cheese in my sandwich.


Ответ дал: aritiana

1 In my city there are two football stadiums.

2 Are there departments stores here?

3 There isn't a museum in this town.

4 The theatre is next to the museum.

5 He's buying an ice cream.

6 Is there any water?

7. There aren't any sheep in my village.

8 There is some cheese in my sandwich.

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