Fill in a or some/any.
1) I can see...cup of tea on the table.
2) There is...pasta in the cupboard. We can cook it for dinner.
3) She doesn't eat...bread, she keeps to a diet.
4) Ask the shop assistant to show you... box of chocolates.
5) My friends usually have...porridge for breakfast.
6)...bottle of milk will be enough for making a cake.
7) Is there...flour left?
8) There's nothing better for you than...carrot.
9)...cup of instant soup is ready.
10) Can I have...water, please?
Дам 15 баллов, решите пж ​


Ответ дал: justonegrib


1. A

2. Some

3. any

4. A

5. Some

6. A

7. Any

8. A

9. A

10. Some

sofapavlisina853: а это что?
sofapavlisina853: (А) что это значит!
annatscorp: Может человек не знает?)
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