1 Fill in the past continuous, as in the example.

1.My brother was studying (study) in his
room all day yesterday.
2 He .......
(get) ready to go out
when the doorbell rang.
3 We saw a bad accident as we
..... (drive) to the airport.
Sally .....
(dance) when
she fell and hurt her leg
5 Why ......
(you/talk) all
through your Spanish lesson yesterday?
6 Tom ..
(walk) through the
woods when he heard a dog barking.
7 Karen ....
dinner when her husband came home.
(you/watch) TV
at 7:00 yesterday evening?
Helen ..
(surf) the Net
while Tom ....
(watch) TV
10 He ...
(paint) the garage door
when it started shaking.​


abdinurov0711: getting
abdinurov0711: driving, dancing, do you talking, walking, cooking, do you watching, surfing, watching, painting
elenakuzmichenko008: спс
4rtrgrn: ты вспомогательный глагол паст континиуса обронил, друг


Ответ дал: 4rtrgrn

2 He was getting

(get) ready to go out

when the doorbell rang.

3 We saw a bad accident as we

were driving (drive) to the airport.

Sally was dancing

(dance) when

she fell and hurt her leg

5 Why are you talking

(you/talk) all

through your Spanish lesson yesterday?

6 Tom was walking

(walk) through the

woods when he heard a dog barking.

7 Karen was cooking


dinner when her husband came home.


Were you watching

(you/watch) TV

at 7:00 yesterday evening?


Helen was surfing

(surf) the Net

while Tom was watching

(watch) TV

10 He was painting

(paint) the garage door

when it started shaking.​

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