2. Заполни пропуски правильной
формой глагола в Past Simple.
Образуйте отрицательную и
Вопросительную формы от этих
1. They ... at school (be)
2. Kate ... at home (be)
3. He ....football last Friday (play)
4. Steve ....in the pool last Sunday (swim)​


Ответ дал: emanzanova


1. They were at school.

Were they at school?

They were not at school.

2. Kate was at home.

Was Kate at home?

Kate wasn't at home.

3. He played football last Friday.

Did he play football last Friday?

No, he didn't play football last Friday.

4. Steve swam in the pool last Sunday.

Did Steve swim in the pool last Sunday?

No, he didn't swim in the pool last Sunday.

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