Provide an adequate main clause.
1. If we won the lottery...
2. If the exam hadn’t been so long... 3. If he had been more careful...
4. If people don’t recycle...
5. If it isn’t raining...


Ответ дал: uwu9023


1 I would raise money for my dream

2 I would not have time go through it completely

3 wouldn't break my leg

4 in some garbage cans garbage then people become lice

5 then the sun shines which I really like


Ответ дал: 27Ekaterina09

1. If we won the lottery, we would travel a lot. (Если бы мы выиграли лотерею, мы бы много путешествовали.)

2. If the exam hadn’t been so long, we would have walked more. (Если бы экзамен не был таким долгим, мы бы подольше погуляли.)

3. If he had been more careful, he wouldn't have break the vase. (Если бы он был осторожнее, он бы не разбил вазу.)

4. If people don’t recycle, the planet will be polluted. ( Если люди не будут перерабатывать, планета будет загрязена.)

5. If it isn’t raining, we will go out for a walk. (Если дождь не идет, то мы пойдем гулять.)

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