Complete the sentences using the Present Simple or Present Continuous forms of the verbs in brackets.
Example: We don't go to Chinese restaurants very often. (not go)
1. you any pills at the moment? (take)
2. Don't eat that fish if you it. (not like)
3. your mum how to cook prawns? (know)
4. We ready-made food very often. (order)
5. You look happy. you any good news? (have)
6. It's 12 o'clock! We late. (be)
7. How often Jim pizza? (order)
8. What your dad ? It
amazing! (make/smell)
9. My brother and I to restaurants. (not usually go)
10. We always by plane. (travel)​​


Ответ дал: maksgaiovi


1.Are you taking any pills at the moment?

2.Don't eat that fish if you don't like it.

3.Does your mum know how to cook prowns?

5.Do you have any good news?

6.We are late.

7.How often orders Jim pizza?

8.What are your dad making?It smells amazing.

9.M brother and I don't usually fo to restaurants.

10.We always travel by plane.

alinametisova: thanks!
Ответ дал: svetafinchenko


1 are you taking...... 2 if you dont like 3 does your mum know..... 4 we order 5 do you have..  6 we are late 7how often do you order 8 what is your dad making? it smells 9 dont usually go to


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