help me please
Grammar in Focus
Complete the gaps with the correct word.
Then put the words in brackets into the
correct form.
The Centre for Alternative Technology
1)...............(locate) in Machynlleth, Wales.
The centre 2) .............
(open) in 1973, and
today it's the leading eco centre in Europe.
There are lots 3)
.............. things to see
and do at the centre for people of all ages.
The centre has seven acres of land with lots of
displays and demonstrations. The centre 4)..............
· (visit) by people who want to
learn about green living. There are also
educational courses run 5) ............. the
centre for students and professionals.
Guests can enjoy 6) ........... (explore) the
beautiful organic gardens. They can also eat
lunch at the centre's vegetarian restaurant and
visit the eco-store 7) ............... (buy) some
eco-friendly goodies.
You can visit the centre at any time
8) ................. the year. Tickets cost £8.50 for
adults and £4 for children. Tickets can
9) ............... (book) online or you can
buy them at the door. So plan your visit to the
Centre for Alternative Technology today!​


Ответ дал: YatsiukA

Відповідь:1)located 2)has opened 3)of 4)visits 6) exploring 7) buy 8) of 9)be booked


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