14 Заповни пропуски прийменниками з дужок. .
1) We often go ... the library after classes. (in, to)
2) Rita always comes ... school in time. (to, at)
3) Taras! Grandpa is ...
the garden and help him to water the flowers. (in,
into, to)
4) Max! We have a lot of guests! Could you bring a few chairs
... the living-room? (to, into)
5) Go... the blackboard and write the date, please! (to, at)
6) Look! There is a black stain .. your trousers. Take the pen
your pocket! (on, out of, from)
7) Look at this cat! He always comes
watches the gold-fish. (to, into)
8) It's very hot in here. Please bring me a bottle of cold water
the fridge. (from, out of)
the aquarium an


Ответ дал: helen2125


1) to


3) in

4) into

5) to

6) on

7) to



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