помогите написать сочинение по английскому му illnesses and their symptoms.

Natasha914: надо было еще написать какие у тебя есть болезни
kuceinik: Ангина,ветрянка,


Ответ дал: Natasha914
I have just a few illnesses so i am a lucky person. I have tonsillitis, but just when my body is cooled, so usually  i have it in the winter. The other illnesse is chickenpox, i think that almost all people had this. I remeber that it was very difficult don't touch  my body, because i had itch, and i wanted always to scratch my wounds. About tonsillitis i can say that i have always very high temperature and my voice is  hoarse. Also my nose is stuffed. So sometimes too difficult to say something. 

kuceinik: можно ещё пару предложений
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