Say what is the true and what is false.

1. The Republic of Kazakhstan is situated in the South of Eurasia.

2. The population of Kazakhstan makes up 14,9 million people representing more than 50 nationalities.

3. The climate in Kazakhstan is tropical.

4. Nur-Sultan is the capital of Kazakhstan.

5. English is the official language of the country.

6. Kazakhstan occupies the third territory in the world.

7. It is situated not far from Great Britain

8. Kazakhstan gained independence on 16 December 1991.

9. Kassym-JomartTokayev took the oath as the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on 20 March 2019.

10.By its administrative-territorial structure, the country is divided into 12 regions and 2 cities of national significance.


Ответ дал: orzu82


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