Помогите пожалуйста
Complete the sentences with the correct active or passive form of the verbs in brackets.
1.3D films _________________ (exist) since 1922, when The Power of Love was first shown.
2. Smoking __________________________ (not allow) on any planes in the EU.
3.The world’s first manned hot-air balloon _______________ (make) by the Montgolfier brothers in 1783.
4.Look out of the window! I think our house___________________________ (watch)!
5.By the time Sandra got to the party, all the food ________________________ (eat).
6.More than three million tourists _______________________ (visit) the Taj Mahal in 2004.


Ответ дал: ZhaziraKaskey

1. have been existed.

2. isn’t allowed

3. was made

4. is being watched

5. had been eaten

6. were visited

Именно какие времена не знаю но имей вилу что в пасив войс

Present perfect: have + been + V3

Present simple: am/is/are+ V3

Present Future: will+be+V3

Present continues: is/are/am + being +V3

В паст тоже самое только допустим место have используем had и т д

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