4. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous or the Present Simple.
1. Sarah usually
2. She
3. Tony and Matt
4. Pete
5. Betty always
6. They
7. Muo
8. Listen! Ann
(walk) to school
(help) Mary with her homework now.
(work) very hard every day.
(travel) around Europe at the moment.
(wake) up late at the weekend.
(not/talk) on the phone now.
(not/ cook) dinner every night.
(she / work) on her computer now?
(they /go) camping every summer?


Ответ дал: mtumof


  1. Sarah usually walks to school
  2. She is helping Mary with her homework now
  3. Tony and Matt work very hard every day
  4. Pete is traveling around Europe at the moment
  5. Betty always wakes up late at the weekend
  6. They aren't talking on the phone now
  7. Muo not cooks dinner every night
  8. Listen! Ann singing

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