составь 5 предложений Present Simple со словами животных, природы (только не из инета, я там уже все пересмотрела)

KathyGFD: Что значит словами животных?)) собака лает, змея шипит, или что?


Ответ дал: aleksandraaugustova


Kangaroos live in Australia.

Pandas love to climb trees.

Birds delight us with their color.

Horses come in different colors.

People and animals should live in harmony.

KathyGFD: Последнее у вас с should. А задание - present simple...
Ответ дал: KathyGFD

1. Some people keep wild animals as exotic pets. Keep - present simple, plural

2. Cheetahs are the fastest animals in the world. Are - present simple, plural

3. Sparrows and crows never fly away in winter. Fly - present simple, plural

4. Bears hibernate throughout the winter months. Hibernate - present simple, plural

5. Children make bird houses and feed birds with seeds and crumbs in winter. Make, feed - present simple, plural

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