Write guestions and short answers for the sentences Exercise 1
Can Jamie tun Fast? Yes, he can./ No, he can't​



Ответ дал: maiev2021



2. My granddad can use a mobile phone.

3. They can't skateboard

4. You can't stay out late tonight

5. I can't ski

6. She can play the piano.


Can my granddad use a mobile phone? Yes, he can / No, he can't

Can't they skateboard? Yes, they can / No, they can't

Can't I stay out late tonight? Yes, you can / No, you can't

Can't you ski? Yes, I can / No, I can't

Can she play the piano? Yes, she can / No, she can't


can в вопросах на первое место, короткие ответы - yes, подлежащее + can / No, подлежащее + can't

на вопросы с отрицанием (can't you ski?) отвечаем также, как и на вопросы с утверждением

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