Помогите пожалуйста с заданием



Ответ дал: kristinabespalko12


A: Have you heard (hear) anything from Julia in the last few weeks?

B: Yes, she’s in Madrid. She been (be) there since Saturday.

A: Oh, yeah! I forgot (forget) about that. Did she go (go) with her parents?

B: Yes, I think so. They go (go) to Madrid every Christmas. I think her brother lives (live) there. He was (be) there for a couple of years.

A: I had always wanted (want) to visit Madrid. It’s such a beautiful cit

B: Do you think so? I’ve heard that it’s really hot in summer and really cold in winter.

A: My parents went (go) there last summer. I didn't go (not go) because I had (have) exams.

B: Oh yes, I remember that. Did you pass (pass) them all?

A: No, I failed (fail) Spanish so I decided to take extra classes. I started (start) them in September.

B: So, did your Spanish get (get) better since then?

A: Yes, I think so. I have really improved (improve) my vocabulary, especially since I met Pedro!

B: Pedro? Who is (be) Pedro?


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