Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past perfect.

1 When I_____(leave) the house. I _______(realise) that I_____(forget) to take my keys with me. First action: had forgotten

2 After I_____(finish) digging the garden.I_____(decide) to go a walk. First action:

3 I_____(lend)Alisha some money only After She to Give It Back The Next Day. First action:

4 Kate____(study) for her Maths test before she______(go) out with friends. First action:

5 I_____(buy) Beckie a plant yesterday because she_____(sing) so well in the concert the night before. First action:​


Ответ дал: Kanemarko


left, realised,had forgotten

had finished,decided


had studied,went

bought,had sung.

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