Put the verbs in brackets into the Past
1 W. Disney (to be) born in 1901
2 Walt (to like) drawing from an early age.
3 He (to create) his most famous character Mickey
Mouse in 1928
4 Mickey (to appear) in the first sound cartoon
“Steamboat Willie” the same year.
5 Walt (to win) the first of his 32 Academy Awards
in1932 for the film “Flowers and Trees”.
6 Disney (to make) 81 films in total while he was alive.
7 Disney (to die) in 1966 помогите пожалуйста


Ответ дал: hope1403


1. was

2. liked

3. created

4. appeared

5. won

6. made

7. died

Ответ дал: HellishHelen

1 W. Disney was born in 1901

2 Walt liked drawing from an early age.

3 He created his most famous character Mickey Mouse in 1928

4 Mickey appeared in the first sound cartoon “Steamboat Willie” the same year.

5 Walt won the first of his 32 Academy Awards in 1932 for the film “Flowers and Trees”.

6 Disney made 81 films in total while he was alive.

7 Disney died in 1966

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