4 Order the words to make passive
1 Was/by/ directed / Steven Spielberg /
Star Wars ?
2 Pushkin/Was / written / The Captain's
3 oranges/ Seville / in / Are/ grown?
4 next/the / shown / Will/TV/World Cup
be / on?
5 the Louvre/The Ninth Wave / exhibited/is/in?

6 newspaper / be/ the / Will / in /the/ story/ told? ​


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

1. Was Star Wars directed by Steven Spielberg?

2. Was The Captain's Daughter written by Pushkin?

3. Are oranges grown in Seville?

4. Will the next World Cup be shown on TV?

5. Is the Ninth Wave exhibited in the Louvre?

6. Will the story be told in the newspaper?

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