They……in new flat three weeks ago. *

1 балл

a) were moving

b) moved

c) move

d) moves

e) have moved

2. The boys…..,when their father came in. *

1 балл

a) fight

b) fought

c) fights

d) were fighting

e) are fighting

3. While Nelly…… her cousin, I……a letter. *

1 балл

a) spoke/was writing

b) was speaking/was writing

c) was speaking/wrote

d) was speaking/write

e) speak/was writing

4. They….already…this work. *

1 балл

a) were…exploring

b) was…exploring

c) have… explored

d)has… explored

e) are …exploring

5. When Jane was little she……… *

1 балл

a) use to cry

b) used to cry

c) used crying

d) used cry

e) used to cried

6. Find the odd word. *

1 балл

a) daffodil

b) daisy

c) snowdrop

d) blossom

e) primrose
хелп ми плис (

dlinazbazarbek: Мне тоже очень надо
dlinazbazarbek: (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
Real567: :(((
dlinazbazarbek: в первом будет B
dlinazbazarbek: это правильно
Real567: я снау


Ответ дал: yakubovamadina2007


1.b) moved

2.d) were fighting

3.b) was speaking/was writing

4.c) have… explored

5.b) used to cry

6.d) blossom


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