1)The most important building is Buckingam Palace.
2)Which building is the official residence of Queen Elizabeth II?
•Buckingham Palace
•Trafalgar Square
3)Whose monument can you see in front of Buckingham Palace?
•The Queen Elizabeth Memorial
•The Queen Victoria Memorial
4)The place with rich collections of paintings and other works of art.
•V&A Museum
•Victoria Museum
•the Royal Albert Hall
5)Through nowadays the Queen ___.
6)In 1534 Henry VIII was given all the power in the country by Parliament.
7)The Royal Albert Hall is the place where the best musicians of the world perform classical music.


Ответ дал: EnW228


1-true, 2-Buckingham Palace, 3- The Queen Victoria Memorial, 4- V&A Museum


Daunizmmm: а где другие?
zzvesda: да
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