вибрати 6 слів з першої колонки
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Ответ дал: LadyVinter


1) That's a real pity that this dress costs so much that I can't afford it!

2) Excuse me, sir, but your behaviour is inappropriate, so, I'm afraid, you have to come with me.

3) I refuse to believe you, and I'm sure that it's possible to catch an elephant with this pit!

4) Mummy, I don't want to cut my hair, because I want to be Rapunzel!

5) Please, Dad, switch off your phone - the play is about to begin.

6) Next time we buy 200 balloons for our daughter's birthday, we will ask the seller to blow them up.

LadyVinter: Сделай пожалуйста лучшим ))
didukulana: можеш в одному времене теперішньому пж
LadyVinter: Я перечитала, у меня получилось в одном времени. Я на всякий случай спрашивала ))
didukulana: аа дуже дякую
LadyVinter: Пожалуйста)
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