Помогите пожалуйста 8 класс. в начале посмотрте пример а потом делайте дам 30 баллов​



Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


1 Grandma said she was 70 years old.

2 My aunt said she could play the guitar.

3 Dad said he had to clean the garage.

4 My friends said they were going to the cinema.

5 John said he didn't understand the question.

6 Mike and Bob said their room was messy.

7 Grandpa said he always watched the news in the evening.

8 Ella said it was going to rain.

9 Gordon said he was making lamb chops for dinner.

10 Melanie said she would take the dog for a walk.

11 The teachers said school was almost over.  

12 Dylan said he couldn't find his glasses.


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