можно с объяснением и переводом.

Fill in the correct forms: PRESENT, PAST and PRESENT PERFECT – Simple and Progressive

1. What ______________________ (Helen, do) for the last two hours ? - She ______________________

(prepare) for next week’s meeting; she ______________________ (dust) the furniture now.

2. His sister ______________________ (be) in Australia six times and I ______________________ (be)

there only twice.

3. We ______________________ (live) in Johannesburg since World War II and so far we

______________________ (never, intend) to leave the country, but the situation

______________________ (recently turn) so bad that we ______________________ (decide) to go

back to Austria.

4. We must wake her . She ______________________ (sleep) for 15 hours.

5. I ______________________ (write) a book about Japan. I ______________________ (just, finish).

6. How many customers ______________________ (Sally, call) last week ?

7. Some time ago Mr Pale ______________________ (ask) me to lend him some money.

8. Demonstrators ______________________ (block) the road for three hours.

9. When ______________________ (you, switch) on the light today ?

10. Could you go ? - I ______________________ (not can) answer the door because I

______________________ (have) a shower.

11. Who ______________________ (break) my ruler.

12. No, we ______________________ (not be) here before.

13. At present they ______________________ (have) no jobs.

14. Two men ______________________ (chat) in the middle of the road when suddenly a lorry

______________________ (turn) round the bend. The driver ______________________ (stop) in


15. The grass ______________________ (look) awful. I’m sure you ______________________ (not cut ) it

since June.

16. We ______________________ (go) to the circus yesterday. We ______________________ (spend) a

wonderful time there. I ______________________ (like) the clowns best.

17. What ______________________ (you, want) me to do at our next meeting ?

18. ______________________ (You, know) how long these trees ______________________ (be) here ? -

Yes, they ______________________ (be) here since the end of the war.

19. What shall we do ? - The people ______________________ (get) very impatient.

20. ______________________ (You, not meet) Mr Temple yesterday ? - Why ______________________

(you think) I ______________________ (meet) him ? - I ______________________ (see) him last

Friday, but I ______________________ (not see) him since then.

21. Can you help me ? I______________________ (look) for a job.

22. You have a nice dog. How long ______________________ (you, have) it ?​


Ответ дал: temavonmazurok777


1. What was Helen doing for the last two hours (что Хелена делала за последние 2 часа?)? She was preparing for next week's meeting; she's dusting furniture now (она готовилась к встрече на следующей неделе; сейчас она вытирает пыль с мебели).

2. His sister was in Australia six times and I was there only twice (его сестра была в Австралии 6 раз, а я всего лишь дважды).

3. We have lived in Johannesburg since World War II and so far we never intend to leave the country, but the situation has recently turned so bad that we decided to go back to Australia (мы уже живем в Йоханнесбурге со времен Второй Мировой войны и так далеко мы не намереваемся покидать нашу страну, но ситуация резко поменялась в худшую сторону, что мы решили вернуться в Австралию).

4. She has been sleeping for 15 hours (она уже спит 15 часов).

5. I wrote a book about Japan (я написал книгу о Японии). I have just finished (я только что закончил).

6. How many customers Sally called last week (как много клиентов Сэлли обзвонила на прошлой неделе?)?

7. Some time ago Mr Pale asked me to lemd him some money (некоторое время назад Мистер Пэйл попросил меня занять ему деньги).

8. Demonstrators have been blocking road for 3 hours (демонстранты блокируют дорогу уже 3 часа).

9. When did you switch on the light today (где ты сегодня включил свет)?

10. I couldn't answer the door because I was having a shower (я не мог открыть дверь, я принимал душ).

11. Who broke my ruler (кто сломал мою линейку)?

12. No, we haven't been here before (нет, здесь мы раньше не были).

13. Have no jobs.

14. Two men were chatting in... when suddenly a lorry turned round the bend (двое мужчин переписывались... когда неожиданно грузовичок повернул за поворот). The driver stoped in time (водитель остановился вовремя).

Дальше без перевода.

15. The grass looks awful. I'm sure you haven't cut it.

16. We went... We spent... I liked.

17. What do you want...

18. Do you know how long these trees are here?

19. The people are getting very impatient.

20. Haven't you met Mr Temple yesterday? Why do you think I have met him? I saw him last Friday, but I haven't seen him since then.

21. I'm looking for a job.

22. How long do you have it?

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