5 *** Complete the second sentence so that
it has the same meaning as the first.
1 A lot of people go to Paris on holiday.
Paris is a place where a lot of people go on holiday.
2 That girl's plane was late,
That's the girl
3 A guidebook gives you information about a
A guidebook is a type of book
4 A tour guide's job is to show you around a place.
A tour guide is a person
5 You can buy postcards and t-shirts in this shop.
This is a shop.Даю 40 баллов​


Ответ дал: aknietaidarovna07


2. That's the girl whose plane was late.

3. A guidebook is a type of book which gives you information about a place.

4. A tour guide is a person who shows you around a place.

5. This is a shop where you can buy postcards and T-shirts.

kamalkairbek: правильно???
aknietaidarovna07: да
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