Our house had destroyed
Shelley Wood will never forget the day when her
house in Florida was destroyed by a tornado This
is her story
Shelley It was an evening in May I'd spent the day
at home with my brother and my mum The
weather had been warm and dry - nothing
unusual But when I went to bed. I could hear the
rain and wind outside I felt quite worried because
there had been tornadoes nearby in the past but
we'd never had one in my town My dad was away
on business. He'd had always told us to hide in the
cupboard in the hall if there was a tomado
In the middle of the night I woke up My mum was
screaming 'Shelley! Get in the cupboard
Everything was black followed my mum and we
all day on the floor of the cupboard There was
incredible noise Then a few moments later it
was over We stood up and looked around the
storm had completely destroyed our house
We walked to a neighbour's house and then in the
morning we went back My room and all my
possessions had disappeared I found some jeans
in the garden That was all We have a new house
now, with a storm shelter But I still feel nervous
when I hear the wind
Then put these events in the right order (18)
a. The storm destroyed their house
b Shelley went to bed
(Shelley's dad told them to hide in the cupboard
d Shelley and her mum and brother spent the
night at a neighbour's house
e Her dad went away on business
1. Shelley found her jeans in the garden
g Her mum told her to get in the cupboard
n. They have a new house with a scorm shelter​


Ответ дал: DRATYTI02



b. Shelley went to bed. f. Her father was away on business.

c. Shelley's father told them to hide in the closet.

g. Mom told her to get into the closet. and. The storm destroyed their home.

f. Shelley found her jeans in the garden.

d. Shelley, her mother and brother spent the night at a neighbor's house.

h. They have a new home with shelter from the storm.

omist8288: верно?
markove334: ЭТО ПРАВИЛЬНО??????
dariya280208: нет
dariya280208: я в переводчике перевела, совсем не так
dariya280208: правильный ответ: b,e,c,g,a,d,f,h.
DRATYTI02: Хз, но у меня в переводчике всё правильно перевелось, я много раз сравнивала с текстом
DRATYTI02: Мне показало, что правильно
dariya280208: надо сверять с текстом
aruZh000n: Нет, не правильно. ПРАВИЛЬНО: b, e, c, g, a, d, i, f, h.
otsosi44: ок
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