Logums are animals from the planet Dentol. They are very large. A Logum has a very big body. His neck is short and his head is small. He has four short thick legs. His feet are flat. Each foot has three big toes. A Logum has a long trunk like an elephant. Under the trunk there is a very big mouth. There are four sharp teeth in the mouth.

The Logum’s eyes are small and round. His ears are small and narrow. They are in the middle of his head. A Logum has long thick green hair. He lives in a cold climate. He is a slow animal. He has bad sight and bad hearing. He eats meat.

Какие из следующих предложений правильные (true), а какие неправильные (false).

1. A Logum has a very big tail.

2. His head is small.

3. His mouth is big.

4. He has four teeth.

5. His ears are small and narrow.

6. A Logum is a fast animal.



Ответ дал: stoanksenia2005k








olesya0212: А это правильно
olesya0212: ???
avokadolife13: это прав?
youaresuper23: Нет.
blablabla7415: мне кажется немного неправильно.. но спасибо!
youaresuper23: Это не правильно. Первый ответ - true. Второй ответ - true. Пятое - true. Шестое - false. Не правильно, сначала бы текст прочитал и вопросы внимательнее. Стыд.
blablabla7415: а,ок
kausarajtmurza: спс
kausarajtmurza: youaresuper23 спасибо тебе
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