Task 2. Circle the best answer for these questions.

1.__________ a new girl in my class. There’s/ It’s

2. How far __________ to your house? Is there/ Is it

3. __________ anything happening? Is there/ Is it

4. __________ nice to meet you. There’s/ It’s

5. __________ a party at Alfie’s tomorrow. There’s /It’s

6. __________ time for a quick snack before we go? Is there /Is it

7. __________ Sunday tomorrow? Is there /Is it

8. __________ always a lot going on in Barcelona. There’s /It’s


Ответ дал: evaionatou


1 theres

2 is it

3 is there

4 its

5 theres

6 is it

7 is it

8 theres


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