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В 5 конеч слово sport ​



Ответ дал: lejsanlulu05girfanov


1) Sally's the oldest person in the Waynes family.

2) Gina's the youngest and the most baby person in the Waynes family.

3) Linda's the friendliest person in the Waynes family and she's also the most talkative.

4)Tony's the most generous person in the Waynes family.

5)Tina's the fittest person in the Waynes family and she's also the best at sport.

msplotnikov56: Спасибо большое, очень помог
lejsanlulu05girfanov: Отметишь лучшим? Вот прям срочно
msplotnikov56: окей
msplotnikov56: у меня нет кнопки
msplotnikov56: пока что
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