Choose the correct words: can, able to, could, couldn't
Помогите пожалуйста

1 Last year, I ran the London marathon for the first time. I was quite pleased that I was _____finish the race!

2 I was only _____ do it in five hours and forty-seven minutes.

3 But this year I hope I'll be _____ finish in under four hours.

4 I _____ really do enough training last year because I was too busy at work.

5 So I wasn't ____ pace myself that well.

6 After the first half of the race, I _____ keep up with the other runners

7 and by the end of the marathon, I was hardly _____ walk at all.

8 But I've been training a lot this year and I think I _____ do a lot better next time.

9 I did a practice run last month and I _____ have gone faster,

10 but my pacing and energy levels had improved and I was _____ maintain a steady speed. I'm hoping to raise £3,000 for a cancer charity, too.


Ответ дал: KoldunPiskogriz


1)able to

2)able to

3)able to


5)able to


7)able to



10)able to

Ответ дал: dixini2014

Ответ: able to, able to, able to, couldn’t, able to, could, able to, can, could, able to


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