Помогите пожалуйста
Измените предложения, заменяя местоимение I на she/he:
1. I work at school. 2 I go to the musical school every day. 3 I write many English exercises every day. 4 I study musical psychology. 5 I get much information from my teachers. 6 I don’t like pizza. 7 I usually watch TV in the evening. 8 I never wake up at 6 at the weekend. 9 I always go to bed at 9.30 p.m.10 I play the guitar very well.


Ответ дал: viktoria9968


1. She works at school.

2 He goes to the musical school every day.

3 He writes many English exercises every day.

4 She studies musical psychology.

5 He gets much information from my teachers.

6 She doesn’t like pizza.

7 She usually watches TV in the evening.

8 He never wakes up at 6 at the weekend.

9 She always goes to bed at 9.30 p.m.

10 He plays the guitar very well.

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