Перетворіть на пасивний стан
1. He made his bicycle.
2. She washed the dishes.
3. The doctor prescribed me some medicine.
4. Jane wrote an interesting story.
5. My brother booked the tickets.
6. His parents sent him to London.
7. Kate lost all the documents.
8. I forgot my purse at home.
9. I paid him a lot of money to do the job.
10. Tom gave us a false idea.
11. She promised to help me.
12. We didn't recognize Alex.


Ответ дал: Peyton25


1. His bicycle was made by him.

2. The dishes were washed by her.

3. I was prescribed some medicine by the doctor.

4. An interesting story was written by Jane.

5. The tickets were booked by my brother.

6. He was sent to London by his parents.

7. All the documents were lost by Kate.

8. My purse was forgotten by me at home.

9. He was paid a lot of money by me to do the job.

10. A false idea was given to us by Tom.

11. I was promised to be helped by her.

12. Alex wasn't recognized by us.


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