1 After everyone _________________ (stop) talking, Gemma and Simon _________________ (cut) the wedding cake.
2 When we _________________ (get) to the shop, all the bargains _________________ (go).
3 After all the players _________________ (arrive), the football game _________________ (start).
4 When I _________________ (see) David, he _________________ (not receive) your invitation.
5 Mandy _________________ (remember) her keys after she _________________ (close) the door behind her.


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

1 After everyone __HAD STOPPED__talking, Gemma and Simon __CUT the wedding cake.

2 When we ____GOT_to the shop, all the bargains _HAD GONE.

3 After all the players __HAD ARRIVED, the football game __STARTED.

4 When I __SAW David, he ___HADN'T RECEIVE your invitation.

5 Mandy ___REMEMBERED her keys after she ____HAD CLOSED the door behind her.

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Аноним: привет
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Аноним: аххахахахахаххахаах
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