Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense, Present Perfect or Past Simple.

Barbara Lively, the writer, is married with two children. She _____ ( write ) over 40 books. She _____ ( start ) writing after the death of her first husband. She _____ ( live ) in many parts of the world, including Japan and India.
She _____ ( spend ) her childhood in Egypt, but ______ ( come ) to England in 1966.
She ____ ( write ) both prose and protly, but is best know for her romantic novels. She ____ ( win ) many awards, including the Booker Prize, which she ___ ( win ) in 1988 for the novel Dark Times to Come. 


Ответ дал: Аноним
Barbara Lively, the writer, is married with two children. She has wirtten over 40 books. She started writing after the death of her first husband. She has lived in many parts of the world, including Japan and India.
She has spent her childhood in Egypt, but came to England in 1966.
She wrote both prose and protly, but is best known for her romantic novels. She has won many awards, including the Booker Prize, which she won in 1988 for the novel Dark Times to Come.

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