Task 2. First Conditional. Open the brackets and use the given verbs in appropriate form.
1) Teacher … (be) angry, if Max… (arrive) late again.
2) If you … (not be) busy, I … (tell) you a story.
3) If I … (go) to the supermarket later, I … (buy) some avocado.

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Ответ дал: FrosenFly
1. Teacher will be angry, if Max arrives late again
2. If you aren’t busy, I will tell you a story
3. If I go to the supermarket later, I will buy some avocado.
Ответ дал: Zlatovlasska12
1. Teacher will be angry, if Max arrives late again. 2. If you're not busy, I'll tell you a story. 3. If I go to the supermarket later, I will buy some avocado
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