скобки, используя нужную форму
прилагательного и употребляя необходимую
степень сравнения.

He worked (hard) and (hard) as the end of the term came nearer. 2.
The (tall) trees in the world grow in California. 3. Please be
(careful) next time and don't spill the milk again. 4. Bobby was a
(kind) child. He was (kind) than his sister. 5. Her eyes are (blue)
than mine. 6. He was the (fat) man in the village. 7 My sister is the
(tall) girl in her class. 8. Who is the (attentive) student in your
group? 9. It is autumn. Every day the air becomes (cold), the leaves
(yellow). 10. This is the (beautiful) view I have ever seen in my


Ответ дал: КурамаДемонЛис
1.He worked harder and harder as the end of the term came nearer. 2.
The tallest trees in the world grow in California. 3. Please be more
careful next time and don't spill the milk again. 4. Bobby was a
kind child. He was more kind than his sister. 5. Her eyes are blueer
than mine. 6. He was the fattest man in the village. 7 My sister is the
tallest girl in her class. 8. Who is the most attentive student in your
group? 9. It is autumn. Every day the air becomes colder, the leaves
yellower. 10. This is the most beautiful view I have ever seen in my
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