Read the story again, then look at the sentences below and number them in the order

thеу hарреnеd. Прочитай историю еще раз, затем посмотри на предложения ниже и

пронумеруй их в том порядке, в каком они происходят в тексте (1-7).

1. A soldier landed on the table.

2. We all began to laugh. ПОМОГИТЕ ПЖ

3. The soldier came back with a box of cakes.

4. We fell off the chairs.


5. We heard a loud cry.

6. We all had tea together in the dining room.


7. We had tea in the garden. .

Berdibek90: помогите пж


Ответ дал: aida0202030507


1.whe had in the garden

2.A soldier landed on the table

3.We heard a loud cry.

4.We fell off the chairs.

5.We all began to laugh.

6.The soldier came back with a box of cakes.

7.We all had tea together in the dining room

anarsyrgabaeva1980: спс
aruzhanbaiguat: Дұрыс па?
Berdibek90: спасибо но я уже сделал и еще это прав
lazgievazarina0: это правильно?
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