Complete the sentences with WILL or BE GOING TO and the verb in the brackets.
1. I can’t reach the milk. ‘I ___________________________________________________ (get) it for you.’
2. Be careful! You ____________________________________________________________ (hit) the tree.
3. I think John _________________________________________________ (pass) the Maths test tomorrow.
4. Look at those clouds! It ____________________________________________________________ (rain).
5. ‘I’m cold.’ ‘I _________________________________________________________ (close) the window.’
6. ‘Would you like to order now?’ ‘Yes, please I _____________________________ (have) a green salad.’
7. Dina and her family _____________________________________________ (spend) two weeks camping by the lake this summer.


Ответ дал: azaliyasamigullina06


1 ‘I can’t reach the milk.’

‘I will get it for you.’

2 Be careful! You are going to hit the tree.

3 I think John will pass the Maths test tomorrow.

4 Look at those clouds! It is going to rain.

5 ‘I’m cold.’

‘I will close the window.’

6 ‘Would you like to order now?’

‘Yes, please I will have a green salad.’

7 Dina and her family are going to spend two weeks camping by the lake this summer

will - быстрое решение, спонтанное, предсказание будущего, как пожелаю

be going to - что-то запланированное, предсказание будущего, основанное на наблюдениях или реальных фактах

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