1. Поставьте глаголы в следующих предложениях в утвердительную, вопросительную и отрицательную формы Present Simple.
1. Pete (to do) morning exercises.
2. He (to work) at school.
3. She (to sleep) after breakfast.
4. They (to work) full-time.
5. I (to drink) tea every day.
6. Kate (to be) a worker.
7. Tim (to have) a car.
8. She (to be) a good friend.
9. We (to be) good friends.
10. It (to be) easy to remember everythi2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple.
1. Mick (to have) a sister.
2. Her brother’s name (to be) Nick.
3. She (to be) a student.
4. Mike (to get) up at seven o'clock.
5. She (to go) to school in the morning.
6. Felix (to be) fond of sports.
7. We (to run) every day.
8. For breakfast he (to have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea.
9. After dinner he (to go) to the institute.
10. Sometimes she (to take) a taxi.
11. It (to take) her an hour and a half to do her homework.
12. She (to speak) French well.
13. Her parents usually (to call) her at about 7 o’clock.
14. Mary (to take) a shower before going to bed.
15. I (to go) to bed at 10 p. m.
Упражнение 3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple.
1. My school day (to begin) at seven o'clock.
2. Natasha (to get) up, (to switch) on the TV and (to brush) my teeth.
3. It (to take) me about 10 minutes.
4. We (to have) lunch at one o’clock.
5. He (to leave) home at half past six.
6. I (to take) a bus to the college.
7. It usually (to take) me about one hour to get there.
8. Films (to begin) at eight.
9. They usually (to have) six classes a day.
10. I (to have) breakfast at about 7 o’clock.
Упражнение 4. Используйте слова в скобках для образования предложений в Present Simple. Обратите внимание, в какой форме должно стоять предложение (утвердительной, вопросительной или отрицательной).
1) They _____ tennis at school. (to play)
2) Max _____ emails. (not / to write)
3) ____ she____ German? (to speak)
4) My father ____ fish. (not / to like)
5) ____ Kate ____ any friends? (to have)
6) His uncle _____ in an office. (to work)
7) Mike ___ very fast. (cannot / to run)
8) ____ we ____ the plants every 5 days? (to water)
9) His aunt _____ a bike. (not / to ride)
10) ____ Lizzy_____ tea? (to drink)
Упражнение 5. Вставьте глагол “to be” в требуемой форме Present Simple.
1. I ... a worker.
2. My mother ... not a teacher, he ... a doctor.
3. ... your father a professor? - Yes, he ... .
4. ... we at home? - No, they ... not. We ... at school.
5. ... you a taxi-driver? - Yes, I....
6. ... your Granny a photographer? No, she ... not a photographer, she ... a pensioner.
7. ... your sisters at school? - Yes, they ... .
8. ... this her clock? - Yes, it ... .
9. Ben ... an office-worker.
10. We ... fine!
Упражнение 6. Переведите на английский язык:
1. Она занята. (to be busy)
2. Я не занят.
3. Вы заняты?
4. Они дома? (to be at home)
5. Его нет дома.
6. Я не знаю.
7. Они знают?
8. Она не знает.
9. Кто знает?
10. Никто не знает.
11. Он читает английские книги? (to read English books)
12. Они никогда не читают. (never / to read)
13. У неё есть квартира? (to have a flat)
14. У него ничего нет.
15. Это кто?


Ответ дал: aigerimbasimbekovaa

1.1 do morning exercises . I don't do morning exercises . Do I ( You ) do morning exercises ? 2.He works at a factory . He doesn't work at a factory . Does he work at a factory ? 3.She sleeps after dinner . She doesn't sleep after dinner . Does she sleep after dinner ? 4.We work part - time . We don't work part - time . Do we ( you ) work part - time ? 5. They drink tea every day They don't drink tea every day . Do they drink tea every day ? 6.Mike is a student . Mike isn't a student . Is Mike a student ? 7. Helen has a car . Helen doesn't have a car . Does Helen have a car ? 8.You are a good friend . You aren't a good friend . Are you a good friend ? 9. You are good friends . You aren't good friends Are You good friends ? 10.It is difficult to remember everything . It isn't difficult to remember everything . Is it difficult to remember everything ?


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Ответ дал: LizaOvUk
Peter do morning exercise
Peter doesn’t do morning exercise
Does Peter do morning exercise
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