1. when she ___ she will join you
a) is free b) will be free c) was free
2.they went to Rome ___ last summer
a)in              b)on                    c)-
3.___ often rain in winter
a)is it              b)does it                    c)does
4.I ___ to go to school on Sunday
a)mustn't              b)don't have                    c)can
5.She ___ one of these days
a)will arive              b)arrived                    c)has arrived
6.The girl said she ___ read well
a)can              b)can to                    c)could
7.Elbrus is ___ mountain in the Caucasus
a)high              b)highest                    c)the highest
8.They wondered what he ___ next
a)did              b)will do                    c)would do
9.Are many houses ___ every day
a)build              b)being built                    c)built
10.The child ___ from 5 to 6 yesterday
a)is playing              b)played                    c)was playing


Ответ дал: IrkaKim
1)b; 2)c; 3)a; 4)c; 5)c; 6)c; 7)a; 8)b; 9)a; 10)b.
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