Перевести в Indefinite Passive Voice
1)They broadcast some programmes live
Some programmes are broadcast live
2)They will open open a new shop in this street
3)They discussed their plans a long time ago.
4)The lastest news surprised John
5)The students attended a lot of lectures at the museum
6) Tourists usually buy a guidebooks or maps
7) Pete will touch upon this topic at the next meeting
8)The children do projects at the end of each term
как можно скорее,пожалуйста!!!


Ответ дал: Аноним


2)A new shop will be opened in this street.

3) Plans were discussed a long time ago.

4)The lastest news suprised by John.

5)A lot of lectures were attended at the museum by students.

6) guidebooks or maps usually bought by tourists.

7)This topic will be touched upon at the next meeting by Pete.

8)At the end of each term the project is done by children

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