Writing Task 2. Write a postcard to a friend. Include Greeting and closing sentence.

Use Present Continuous tense. The following questions will help you to organize your writing:

• What are you doing at the moment?

• Where are you staying?

• What’s the weather like?

• What are you going to do this evening/ tomorrow?

Example: My friends and I are leaving for Kazakhstan soon.

Dear _____________



Ответ дал: sefee3242


Hello my dear ___(имя друга). Now i am writing a letter for you, sitting by the window and drinking tea. I am at home alone now , and i got bored. Today the weather is good, now it is snowing. After i finish writing the letter, i am going to go the pool. Tomorrow will snowing too, and we will go to the mountains , to skiing and skating

How are you? What's whether in ___(наименование города) ? I want to meet you very soon

sefee3242: что то типо того, что можешь добавить или убрать
sefee3242: то что смог сделать на коленке
semaruckih: спасибо огромное выручил (а)
yreg211: рискнуть не рискнуть
Вас заинтересует