Task 2: Rewrite the sentences in the Passive voice.
1. The students are using the devices right now.
2. Pam gave me a book for my birthday.
3. This artist always paints canvas in red.
4. Look! Somebody has broken the window!
5. My father was repairing TV at that time.​


Ответ дал: azumidellone229

1. the devices are being used by the students right now.

2. a book was given by Pam for my birthday.

3. canvas is always painted in red by this artist.

4. look! the window has been broken by somebody!

5. TV was being repaired by my father at that time.

aiganym191919: это правильно?
azumidellone229: вы сейчас спрашиваете меня, насколько я уверена в своем же ответе?
aiganym191919: ...
aiganym191919: просто бывают что не уверены с ответом
azumidellone229: да, я разбираюсь в теме пассивного залога и уверена в правильности ответа:)
aiganym191919: спасибо
Ответ дал: Nur240501


  1. The students are using the devices right now- the devices are being used by the students right now.
  2. A book was given by Pam for my birthday
  3. The canvas are always painted in red by this artist
  4. Look! The window has been broken by somebody.
  5. Tv was being repaired by my father at that time

aiganym191919: а это правильно?
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