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2 задание



Ответ дал: GodEnel



I like trevelling because it`s very interesting.You can see a lot of new different and beautiful places.I like to go for a walk and see historical and interesting places.Now i`m write the essay about travel.I like to stay in five stars hotel.

Аноним: А можно по длинее?
Аноним: Уже не надо, я сама составила
Аноним: Вот↓
Аноним: Hello, my dear friend! Do you like to travel? I do this because traveling helps me explore the world. Most of all, I love to travel around my country, because every day something changes in it. Most often I go to my grandparents in the village. And where do you go most often? I hope to see you soon. See you soon!
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