4. Write a short article for your school newspaper "English Bridge".
Nature of Ukraine nowadays and in 100 years.
Use some of the following words and word combinations: animals, forests, rivers, seas,
natural resources, a lot of, not many, to be rich in, to be situated, to be protected by the state,
to devastate, harmful.


Ответ дал: kogenbajnurbolat


бұл жерде мазмұнын жазасың Nature of Ukraine nowadays and in 100 years.и болды

бұл жерде harmful деген сөзді жазып астына _ осылай сыз дұрыс мен мұғалімге тексерткенде дұрыс деді 100%

geynqemma: помогити пожалуйста
kogenbajnurbolat: ок
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