Writing. Task 2. Put the verbs in brackets into will or be going to.

I think the future _____(be) different.

Their suitcases are packed. They _____(go) on holiday.

It's a secret! OK, I ____(not tell) anyone, I promise.

Aisha is ill. She _____(not visit) museum with us tomorrow.


Ответ дал: alina451568


I think the future will be different.

Their suitcases are packed. They going on holiday.

It's a secret! OK, I won't (will not) tell anyone, I promise.

Aisha is ill. She wouldn't (would not) visit museum with us tomorrow.

alihanzhumabaev0: правильно?
alina451568: Да
alihanzhumabaev0: точно
alihanzhumabaev0: ??
alina451568: ДА
alihanzhumabaev0: но would ставится когда говорится о прошлом будущем
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